Saturday, March 23, 2013

I am so very far behind

Hello, everyone!  And welcome to "Tiffany is a horrible blogger - part 2!"  I am so very far behind on this wonderful little blog I started about mine and Dan's R2 build.  So far behind in fact, that I don't even know where to begin to start to catch up.  So let me start by giving away a huge spoiler.  R2 is done!!!!  We debuted him at Megacon this past weekend and he was true to form being a spazzy and sassy little droid that couldn't keep still.  It was an absolute blast and we were so very depressed to see it end.  I will have a dedicated post just for Mega but for now let's get back to the nitty gritty stuff about the build.  

This is the point in the build where Dan just kinda...took off...and went build crazy.  So I didn't have a lot of "here, look at this" and explanations about what was going on, because everything was happening so fast.  I also am totally off now chronologically speaking so pics and things will most likely be totally out of whack (told you, I'm really bad at this!).  So I'll just post a bunch of pictures and hope it's self explanatory!  Ha!  I kid.  Even though I honestly have no idea what he is doing build wise, he knows every inch of this machine.  So if you have any questions at all, please feel free to drop me a line and I will pass it along.  In pure Dan fashion, he will explain every nook and cranny.  :)

Here's some pics of the foot motors and shells.  

I thought this was really cool.  Using spray cans to bend the styrine to the correct shape.

Did I mention we like bondo?

Hooray, feets!!!!  More to come soon.  And by soon, I actually mean soon.  I had some people at Mega ask me if we had a blog about the build, to which Dan responded by giving me super evil eyes, so I gotta get this baby back on track!  And I have lots of Mega pics to share.