Thursday, October 11, 2012


So I am crazy behind on the progress of R2.  Dan has been working for about 5 weeks now and has gotten so much done, I can't keep up!  After talking about how we would start, first saying we are going to start with the, no, the dome....we start with the legs.  Sounds like us.  So the fun now begins with pictures of the progress!!!  

This is one of the first pictures I took.  First leg, ankle,and center foot. (after the measurements were corrected)

Starting work on the center foot.  We are using wood and styrene.   

We got a wheel!

Some detail work on the center foot.

More detail work.  Started priming.  

Bondo, primer, sand....and repeat

So much work for such a little foot!

We got the shoulder hub and booster cover.

This picture makes me laugh.  I sent it to my Dad saying something like "look, it's a foot!" or something nearly as clever.  And his response was, "Lucille Ball?"  Wait, what?  He thought the red stuff was lips and this was a face.  I love you, Daddy-O, and your ability to see things in clouds. :)

All primed and ready!

Center foot painted and leg coming along nicely.

I leave for work, come home, and BAM!  Two legs! Holy crap!

Now again, I say "we" very loosely.  Dan has done all the work thus far.  (I helped today though!) And I'm almost tempted to post pictures of the increasing mess this build is causing too, just because.  In my kitchen no less!  

Stay tuned for more pictures!  Today (10/11/12 - and no we didn't plan that) was a MONUMENTAL day for the build.  And don't worry, I won't keep you too long in waiting.  

Thanks for reading!

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