Monday, October 1, 2012

The R2 Files - Beginnings

It Begins!!!!

So, Dan and I are building an R2 unit.  I say the "and I" part very loosely as I have very little to do with the actual build process besides moral support and finances.  And now this blog!  I thought it would be a fun idea to blog about the build process and Dan will be able to link this blog to the R2 builders club as well.  (Yes, there is an actual R2 builders club...and they are freaking amazing! But more on that later.)  Later on I can also show some of the other stuff that Dan has made and the future builds that he and I do.  Don't worry world, I'm getting myself back in the creative saddle too!

But for now, I am just getting this wonderment of the interwebs started.  This is my first blog ever as well, so please bear with me.  

Also - if and when I say something about the build that sounds technical and is most likely something Dan said to me that I'm attempting to quote or just interpreting into my own non-technical jargon.  Any technical questions that come up will most definitely be directed at him.  :)

And we go!  

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